

James Fong
National Service


Friday, August 31, 2007 @ 4:25 AM

I really enjoyed myself in the chalet and BBQ two weeks ago. it was tiring but fun. 真的很好玩。。累是累啦,可是我和我朋友都玩得不亦乐乎。。 The thing i am not happy about was the uncle who always came and switched off the basketball court's light when we wanted to play basketball... “11点要关灯了啦,还玩什么玩。。”Howe was also very pissed off with that uncle too. haha. Didnt took much pictures also:

my little girl Jess.Yu jie looked super funny in this pic la, haha.

my boy!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007 @ 10:16 PM

Yeah, exams finally ended ! 终于考完试了。。很开心。。 心情也放松了许多。。可是呢。。 Still can‘t find any part-time job. 还是找不到兼职的工作。。 Actually Cedric Kang wanted to hand over his current job to me before going into NS, but the owner wants someone that can work until November. 好可惜。。算了,就好好的享受我的暑假吧。。

Not too long ago, Jon asked me to send him my baby pics for CG multiplication video thingy. So I scanned and i sent to him:

Oh man, i look so cute when i am young. 我小时候真的很口爱! haha! Looking at those pictures, reminds me of my childhood memories. 看了这些照片,真的想起一些小时候的回忆。。 Thanks mum!

Recently, there's quite a number of people came to me to ask about the Hey Gorgeous thingy, 校花校草in channel U. i didn't get in yet,我还没被选进, because they have yet to come my school, or they have yet to call me at the moment. Don't even know they will call or not. 可是呢,很有趣。。The only thing that interest me the most is that.... winners got to take away $2000 cash! 可以赢现金!哈哈。。$$$... haha, it's been quite awhile since i went to the website, when i entered into the website few days back, was suprised to see that my face is in the top5 home page again. the feeling's quite wierd when you seen your own face there, i dunno how to say also.

Just realised that my new laptop's camera can take video and photo! 我新的电脑可以拍照和录影! Gonna post up some videos soon.. But before i do, let me post some videos of my greatest idol of all time, 蕭敬騰!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007 @ 11:28 PM
Busy week

Sorry guys, recently i have been busy with my upcoming examinations. 最近比较忙一些,因为我要准备考试了!Come on, who likes examinations? But no choice though, have to do my best.. 就尽力吧。。

Yea. Handphone spoiled, LCD screen gone case. Lost some of the people's contact, 因为手机坏了,所以无意间弄丢了一些人的电话号码。。If lets say you contact me, but i ask who are you, hope you can understand, 请多多包含。。 Thank God for my bro's spare phone.

In the midst of my studies, i have been addicted to watching 超級星光大道 in youtube to get rid of my stress!

超級星光大道 , Super Star Avenue, a super popular show in Taiwan. It's a singing competition, almost the same as jue dui superstar, 绝对Superstar, but theirs is far more better. But I only like 蕭敬騰. He just went there to PK only, and he got famous overnight. His voice is..... man, awesome.. And he's only 20 this year. 才二十岁而已。。 华人巨星的诞生。 If you don't know who he is, i think you are living in your own world, 井底之蛙。。 Check him out!

Monday, August 6, 2007 @ 11:14 PM

Have been busy with FOP for the past few days. Was totally awesome man, 真的是很棒! Compared to previous years, this one is one of the awesome ones that i have attended. And most importantly, 我要很感谢和我一起去的朋友。。尤其是我的中国和台湾的朋友,Allen and Jenny。 Thanks guys for coming, and it totally rocks having you guys around aye? Oh ya, Wai Seen also, thanks alot sis!! i believed you enjoyed youself too and your two friends also.

Talking about FOP, many girls are super duper crazy over Martin Smith who sang during the FOP. Actually many thought that he's 20plus, but in fact he is already 37 and has 5children if i am not wrong. 人不可貌相吧?可以保持得那么年青是不容易的事。。

His full name is actually Martin James Smith. Well, no wonder me and him look alike. Hahaha, okok not funny. This are his pics,他的一些照片:

Lead vocalist + Rhythm Guitarist of Delirious Band. Handsome? 帅?我也觉得是。。 Ya i agree with the girls too that he is handsome.

But more than just the looks and the great voice, he has a heart for the world.. Isn't that what life is all about?


As much as what Martin is doing, I am also trying to make this world a better place too. It's always about the decisions you made. And i don't want to live in this world just for myself...

How about you?